Monday, October 5, 2009

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Monday, July 20, 2009


Finally broke down and got on facebook. : )

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

History Channel-Great Speeches

History Channel-Great Speeches

This is more of a video site, than audio. it includes many History Channel videos. It also includes great speeches with video attached when available. It is free and most videos can be downloaded using Real Player.

Free Play Music

Free Play Music

This site has thousands of audio files. They are all available royalty free. You can choose the style of music that best fits your needs then preview 10 seconds to full song clips. I think it is a wonderful tool for teachers. Students can access many different types of music for their different projects.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Originally uploaded by Arenamontanus
I have never seen this treemap of the mammals. It is very interesting as to how the different species are placed in to a circle and coded

Trail Sites

National Gallery of Art

My students could use the National Gallery of Art website to research the art from the time period in world history, we are studying. Every unit of World History discusses the arts of theat time period.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Project completion

Finished the project!!!!!!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Module #3

I believe I have finished module #3. I spoke with fellow teachers and used their input in forming this module. It appears to be a very simple step, but we , as teachers, sometimes get stuck in ruts. This step can help us refine our assessments and create better units, making classrooms more student centered.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Module 2 Complete

Whew!, I finally settled on the design and set up Module 2. Its taken a while, but this is the most important step in the process. The Unit question is paramount to creating an engaging unit. I decided to go with a group activity, i may try a test group with mindmeister or scribble. not sure, but when al else fails go with butcher paper. I think the new module is going great, next is ASSESSMENT!

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Instuctional Design Update

I am beginning this by saying I have not blogged, so this entry will get all up to speed, myself included. I am developing an inservice to teach teachers of hirschi the new unit planner, I have finished module 1, (too easy). I am revamping module based on input form Janice Swartz, our MYP coordinator , to include all as aspects of the uinit questions, instead of just the Area of Interaction, I think it will work fine.

Sunday, March 1, 2009


Wikis are a great place for teachers and students to collaborate in a an interactive learning context. It allows for guided or free flowing exchange of ideas in a non traditional educational setting. The ease od use allows for the tech-fearful to adjust easily as it is simalar to word processing or as complicated as the tech-savvy need it to be. I will be using wikis in the classroom and as an avenue for teacher training.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009 is a useful tool for teachers. It offers educators an avenue for exploring what other educators are doing around the worls. There is not onlyinteresting blogs, but video blogs as well.

Room 167

I really enjoyed Room 167 blog. It was full of interesting ideas to use in the classroom. It also offered students a chance to become involved with diversity issues. I thought the photos and videos complemented the content well.

The idea of allowing to use note card to define characteristics of themselves then give one up until there remained only one characteristic was really eye opening. I think thei makes the students aware of who they are and allows them to communcate why.

The diversty links offer students anavenue to getinvolved in thier community. This is important as sometime students never leave their own community. This an avenue for student exploration.

The photos give the students some ownership in the blog as they can see themselves participating and becoming involved in the classroom. This is important in learning, students connecting with each other over content.

Thursday, January 22, 2009


My first blog, SWEET!